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Code of Conduct for young people

I understand that The Hub should be a happy, safe place for young people. 

I therefore agree to the following rules:

  1. Registration
    I must be registered as a member to attend any youth sessions at The Claygate Youth & Community Hub.  The information I give on my  membership form must be correct, to ensure my safety and in case of emergencies. On arrival at The Hub each time, I will sign in with a voluntary youth worker and will tell them if I’m leaving.

  2. Respect
    I agree to respect all other members, the volunteers, the building, grounds and equipment at all times.

  3. Behaviour
    I understand that if at any time my behaviour is unacceptable, I will be given a warning.  If my behaviour continues to be disrespectful I will be asked to leave the club session.  

    Occasionally a ‘cooling off’ period is necessary before young people can join in with normal sessions again.  I understand that if this is the case, the youth leader / Hub manager will inform me and my parents if necessary.  I will only be able to join back in after a satisfactory meeting with the leader / Hub manager.

    I understand that the volunteers’ decisions are final.  In cases of seriously unacceptable behaviour, parents and the police may be called. 



  • Not cooperating with the volunteer helpers

  • Aggressive or violent behaviour

  • Agitating or ‘winding up’ other people

  • Bullying and harassment

  • Disrespectful, racist, sexist or insensitive comments

  • Offensive language or rude gestures

  • Dropping litter, throwing things or spitting 

  • Viewing or sharing inappropriate material. Taking or sharing videos or photos without permission.

  • Theft or wilful damage

  • Too much unnecessary noise outside the building

  • Possession or use of alcohol, drugs and solvents
    Is strictly not allowed in or around the building and will result in exclusion.  Smoking or vaping in the building or grounds is also not allowed. 

  • The carrying of any weapon
    Is strictly not permitted in or around the building and will result in exclusion and possible police involvement.

  • Not leaving premises when asked
    This is serious. Not cooperating will lead to the police being called, parents being contacted and will result in a longer exclusion

I understand these rules and what is seen as ‘unacceptable behaviour’.  I will try to keep The Hub a safe and happy place at all times.


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