Forms and Policies
Key information to keep you / your child safe whilst with us. Please complete this form in order to attend our drop in youth sessions.
If you're interested in joining our team, for as little or as much time as you can offer, please complete this form and we'll get back to you.
Everyone's different and everyone's unique! We celebrate diversity and encourage young people to be tolerant and supportive to others.
We take data protection and privacy very seriously at The Hub. Go to our policy page on this site and any queries, do get in touch.
Comments, compliments, and complaints: our volunteers and staff value any feedback and support to help us provide a good and fair service to all.
All our young people, staff and volunteers deserve to be respected. Respect forms the core of our expectations towards each other, towards our building and our neighbours.
We take safeguarding our young people very seriously. A qualified safeguarding lead is on site, or on call for all our youth sessions and our volunteers receive regular training.
It is our policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of all employees, volunteers, members and any other persons who may be directly affected by the activities of our charity.
Got questions or need a form you can't see?